Ether Strike

於 2019年1月26日 (六) 11:22 由 嗯呐。留言 | 貢獻 所做的修訂 →‎中文翻译
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Ether Strike

File:Songs ether strike.jpg Ether Strike
編曲 Akira Complex
收錄曲包 Luminous Sky
難度 [Past] [Present] [Future]
等級 5 8 9+
note數量 659 837 1170
note編寫 Zero Sky
時長 2:19
BPM 156
更新時間 v1.7.0



  • 前置條件:在World模式第三章,地圖3-3,第1個獎勵獲得
Past Present Future
80 Fragments


180 Fragments



  • 休☆閒☆劃☆蛇
  • 極☆致☆出☆張
  • 勁☆爆☆四☆押
  • 炫☆霧☆白☆光
  • 曲繪封面背景疑似來自米蘭大教堂 其實是威尼斯聖馬可大教堂 證據
  • 簡繁體中文翻譯的YamiNa是已知唯一的本曲結尾閃退受害者
  • Arcaea七大不可思議:Arcaea的拇指可玩承諾書有時候會被光線遮住
  • 分段歌詞疑似「My guiding Dar」2018.7.11推特回復記錄



• Past

A joyous landscape. For so long, she has walked through a ruined yet beautiful world, finding things and admiring them.

For so long she's traveled shepherding glass that the sky has become a mirror bending light as far as she can see,and shaped almost geodesically. The fantastic and glittering roof never leaves her, and with her surrounded by only fancies and goodness, the world has become endless bliss.

She traipses down a spiral staircase that once led into a manor, but the walls have now all fallen and memories replace them. It is all the better: she leaps out ahead and dashes the memories everywhere, basking in sparkling Arcaea that, when she finds them, float up to join the others in her artificial sky. So enraptured now, she laughs with cheer.|

A flower, a kiss, a love, a birth: a life followed by a new life in a river of glass flies past her eyes and blends into the rest. She has seen this reflected countless times, and it still pleases her.

She gazes at the wall above. As they』ve come together, they』ve grown more vibrant. She smiles, satisfied, before she wanders on again. And, as ever, heedless of all consequence.

• Present

They say that this is true: anything in excess is a poison. She either didn’t know, or hadn’t cared.

The girl now walks past what seemed to have been an old concert hall, the impact of its grandness dulled as it had been split perfectly in twain, as if some higher power had willed it so. Out of the tomb of sound drift memories again: of dances, of performance, hopes, victories.

Her mouth twitches. Has it simply become boring, or is this something else? She lifts her hands and the Arcaea come to her, gently weaving over her palms and through her fingers. Blankly she notes them. How many times has she seen the last hurrah of a retiring band? How many times has she seen two brothers embrace? Too many times she’s seen the formation of a love, so frequent it was apparently standard in old and forgotten worlds.|

She lets the memories go, and genuinely thinks nothing of it.

They rise. They fly to join with the memories she’s still been gathering, and she looks at their destination now. It’s grown much brighter since she began her collecting. It seems to grow brighter every day…

How many days has it even been? She winces, and a grimace twists onto her face. She shakes it away.

Maybe she only needs more, then whatever is missing will be found. She calms herself and carries on, not letting it bother her that no matter what, she cannot push the Arcaea following her away.

• Future

「Heaven」 is a kind of hell.

The truth is, idle peace and thoughtless pleasure are anathema to passion. Imbibing and imbibing of happy things endlessly dulls the senses and makes 「happiness」 indistinct, blurred, and ultimately without purpose. Now nothing has a purpose. She’d never had a purpose.

The sky is almost blinding.

She may be wandering, or she may be standing still; she isn’t sure and it doesn’t matter. The sky she’s made has her attention, but the memories within it can’t be sorted out. It has all become an opaque and overpowering haze compelling emptiness. She is losing her self.

And as she is losing her self, she remains numb to the encroaching dissolution. Though she did not remember, she invited this pleasurable and suffocating cage, and she locked herself within it. Now she lacks even the will to worry.|

The sky grows brighter and she loses more of herself. With little time for her left, she stares upward as if waiting. Bright, bright, bliss, beauty above: effulgent memory overtakes her.

Her mind whites out.

And, without meaning, light fades away.

Without meaning, time passes.

And a girl stares up into an empty sky, her mind ended, and thus her story along with it.


• Past


很長一段時間,她走過了牧羊人的玻璃,天空已成為一面鏡子彎曲的光線儘可能地看到,並且形狀幾乎是大地測量的。 夢幻般的閃閃發光的屋頂永遠不會離開她,只有她的幻想和善良,世界變得無盡的幸福。

她沿着一個曾經進入莊園的螺旋樓梯走下去,但牆壁現在已經全部坍塌,記憶取代了它們。 這是更好的事情:她向前跳躍,衝破各處的記憶,沐浴在波光粼粼的Arcaea中,當她找到它們時,漂浮起來,在她的人造天空中加入其他人。如此欣喜若狂,她笑得很開心


她凝視着上面的牆。當他們走到一起時,他們變得更加充滿活力。 在她再次徘徊之前,她微笑着,滿意。而且,一如既往,不顧一切後果。

• Present








• Future


事實是,閒散的平靜和輕率的快樂是激情的詛咒。對快樂事物的吸收和吸收無休止地使感官變得遲鈍,使「幸福」模糊不清,最終沒有目的。 現在沒有任何目的。她從來沒有目的。


她可能會徘徊,或者她可能會站着不動;她不確定,也沒關係。她所造的天空引起了她的注意,但其中的記憶卻無法解決。 它已成為一種不透明和壓倒性的陰霾,引人注目的空虛。她正在失去自我。









